Wizard Wells: Child abusers – the world’s most advanced torture and brainwashing experts. Living with PTSD.

A sudden bombardment of triggers can take you down a rabbit hole without a rope! I had become overwhelmingly nostalgic for the small amount of positive stories from my childhood I have saved on my hard drive.Danger-zone. Wizard Wells

Wizard Wells: Books On Living With People With PTSD

In our book #dealwithit – living well with PTSD, my wife Melissa talks about what she does to help me when various things trigger me, basically, how do people in Wizard Wells deal With PTSD Triggers. Wizard Wells Books On Living With People With PTSD

Wizard Wells: Complications arise with a new job. Fear of oversharing when you are a PTSD survivor.

I don’t want my new boss to regret hiring me. She is an amazing boss and very kind, someone I connect to instinctively. I mustn’t lose her trust, or run away out of fear of what might become of our effective working relationship if I overshare at some point. Wizard Wells